Featured Products

Training Aids:

In the winter it can be difficult to get to our clubs to shoot and maintain our fitness.

Here are some of the more helpful training aids to get you ready for the spring:

Astra Shot Trainer, used by many top archers as it enables them to shoot and or draw up their bow safely. It will help you to maintain form and fitness and iron out those back tension issues. It can also be used to shoot arrows and practise using the clicker.
More details here Astra Shot Trainer

Win Win Scarpower Training band

A great portable training device that will build up strength in the shoulders and bow arm

More details here

Cant' Fire Release Aid

A must for all compound archers as it will allow you to safely draw up your compound for maintenance such as checking timing and peep rotation - we use this product in the shop all the time.

It can also be used for strength training buy allowing you to repeatedly pull up your bow without the worry of derailing by drawing up with your fingers or accidentally triggering your release aid.

More details here