Compound Bows


Remember in our Pro Shop - buy a compound bow and accessories from us and we will set up your bow free of charge.

We can supply and support most makes of Compound Bows please call 01473 316944 or email 

We can also make and fit cables and strings (prices from £65.00) and source spare parts and have bow presses in our Pro Shop.

Note on draw length (measured in inches): To ensure that we are all (manufacturers, you the customer and us) working to the same measurements we work to AMO standards: Draw length defined as distance to the throat of the Grip (in many bows this is also the centre of the button hole) plus 1.75" This is the draw length but not necessarily your arrow length.As an added belt and braces it helps to know the draw length to the button hole as some manufactures do not work to AMO standards.



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