27 Years of getting it right

Easton A/C Shafts (X10, ACE, ACG & ACC)
Easton & Skylon all Carbon Shafts

Terry PortchJust wanted to thank the guys at your Rettendon store. I visited for the first time on Tuesday 18th April to buy my first set of carbon arrows. The chap who helped me was brilliant (didn't catch his name, but it was his birthday) and I fully recommend the arrow by trial service. Bow now feels a lot better due to his tuning, and since then, I've shot 4 times and scored 3 PBs! I've passed on my recommendations to my club, Holdens Archers in Brentwood. Thanks again for a brilliant service!

Arrow selection:  "Having used your unique try out the arrows before purchasing system, I wouldn't go anywhere else again". Mrs. W from Herts
Please note due to the resources required this service is available from our Rettendon Pro Shop (without an appointment just turn up with all your equipment) and by prior appointment at Raydon.

Arrows are one of the most important items in your tackle box, get the wrong ones and no matter how good you are you will never score the scores you deserve. We see many archers shooting wrongly spined arrows. Getting it right with aluminium arrows is not so complicated, but when it comes to carbon and aluminium/carbon arrows it's a completely different story.

If you are serious about your spine selection (after all these items are not cheap) you cannot rely on the simple method of weighing the bow at your draw length and looking at the chart or just watching the arrow flight outdoors. Our tried and tested method will not leave you with two or three spines to choose from, you might be lucky, but how will you know which spine will suit YOU best. The only way is to shoot different spined arrows and balanced bareshafts and together with our years of experience we can work out which ones work BEST for YOU not the average person.

Using this unique facility, you get the services of one of our experienced staff, please bear in mind that it is difficult for us to sort the right size if you as an archer are not shooting too well, so you may find that this process will also involve a certain amount bow setting up and coaching. You get to shoot sample arrows (fletched and "balanced" bareshafts) with our guidance to help with the selection and once we and you are happy that we have the right size we will make up your arrows. 

The cost of this service is £70.00 which includes VAT.
If you choose to buy your shafts from us then you save £35.00 as the cost of the service is reduced to £35.00 including VAT.

You also agree that if you decide not to buy your arrows/shafts from us and they do not work out to be suitable we will not be held in any way accountable.

The service is optional and we will supply carbon arrows over the counter or online but remember the spine will be a best guess scenario off the charts or you tell us the spine you require.

So why is it important to shoot shafts rather than rely on the charts?
It is true that Easton do spend a lot of time refining the model to help in your selection, however the model has it's limitations. Whilst bow weight has a lot to do with the selection, the following considerations also need to be considered - Correct bracing height, nocking point, tiller setting, arrow rest adjustment, centre shot alignment, type and number of strands in your string, the tab you use and not forgetting your shooting technique for example somebody with a good release can sometimes opt for a weaker spined arrow if this is the one that offers a better tunable arrow. Composite Carbon/Aluminium arrows are expensive and the wrong specification can have disastrous effects on the accuracy of  your shooting not to mention your pocket. The arrow charts will get you 50% of the way but it's the final 50% which is important and this is why we offer our carbon arrow selection by trial service.
N.B. For those of you who read Simon Needham's article in the Spring 2004 edition of the Glade or his latest book on how to select your correctly matched arrows (X10 & ACE shafts) you will appreciate how much time and money this service could save you, not to mention the cost of an arrow cutter.
If at all possible we do not recommend buying ACE, ACC, ACG or X10 arrows over the Internet even if you are just replacing a set as your technique may have improved and there could be a better spine option. Easton A/C arrows are specialist items. It may cost a few pounds more than the Internet price, but not anywhere near as much as a set of the wrong spined shafts.
As mentioned above we still believe are unique within the industry when it come to choosing carbon/Aluminium arrows with our "Carbon Arrow By Trial Service" Which combines our experience with the chance to shoot arrows at a sensible distance in our shooting range to find the best combination of spine and weight.

Why do we recommend Easton Arrows?  
We get asked this many times each month.
Firstly and we think it is important to emphasise is that we are an independent archery pro shop and not tied to supplying any manufacturers products:
Over the years we have offered and tested many different manufacturers arrows but in the final analysis we have always gravitated back to Easton Shafts and Accessories. The reason is quite simple in our opinion they have stood the test of time and offer the best value for money in terms of Price, Reliability, Quality of manufacture, Tunability and Accuracy. Not to mention that most World records, Olympic, World Championship (Target & Field), National, County and Club medals have been won shooting Easton arrows and accessories.
We also like to think that over the last 30 years we have built up a thorough understanding of these products and we can be totally confident that which ever Easton product you select through us the arrows will be right for you, this applies whether you are just starting out or a seasoned archer shooting at the highest level.

Skylon arrows New for 2020 we are impressed with the build quality tolerances, making these an ideal choice for Target and Field archers. A parallel all carbon shaft (so not suitable in some target clubs) but ideal for Target and Field Archery and Recurve and Compound Bows. The Paragon, Performa, Precium & new Preminens are small diameter shafts and made out of strong 40 Ton Carbon. 
The low cost for such a range of shafts means that the benefits of a carbon shaft are available to all.More Details Here

Carbon arrow selection for Compound Bows
We have found that after extensive testing that providing you read the manufacturers charts correctly, then the recommendations are correct so we no longer offer our unique selection service for Compound Bows but for piece of mind our experience can help.