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Product Description

Bohning Blazer 2" Vanes
Bohning say - "This is the vane that has dropped more jaws, hung more trophies, convinced more skeptics, and provided more big silly grins than all the "Knock-Off", "Wanna-Be", "Copy-Cat" vanes combined! This is the vane that, hands down, out-performed them all! The Blazer® Vane, with its unique design, begins steering and correcting immediately. The combination of the steep leading edge angle and material stiffness enables the air to flow over the vane in a manner that actually creates lift. This leaves the tip of each vane inside undisturbed air, similar to the drafting principle used in auto racing. This airflow created by the precise leading edge angle allows the tip of each vane to act like a rudder, which is noticeable at longer distances with the flatter trajectory Blazer® Vanes provide. *Blazer ® Vanes are 1.987" long, with a profile height of .568" and weigh just 6 grains! They work great for cross bow bolts too!!"

Available in packs of 12 vanes (£2.50) or 100 vanes (£22.00)

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Customer Reviews

Bohning Blazer 2" Vane